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Update Time

First off, scriptwriting. As mentioned before, the first draft of Act I is complete. We're excited to be welcoming an-tan back to the team. Originally Isolda's creator and writer, she'll be rejoining Somnova as an editor. She, as well as Tjeffy and Alabaster, form the bulk of our editing crew. All of us will be doing at least some general skimming and quality checking, but the brunt of the work falls to those three. We're also totally rewriting a few scenes that are a bit outdated, or just not considered strong enough.

Things have also been progressing nicely on the artistic front. Sometime soon, I'll look into getting a couple detailed process posts, working in collaboration with the artists themselves. For now though, we're making consistent progress, and seem to be on track to have all of our demo assets done this year. Don't quote me on that, though. I'm also glad to announce that our art team continues to grow. First off, an artist by the name of Sendo has recently joined the ranks, and is hard at work on Lena's sprites right now. Additionally, we've had another member rejoin the team: Yune, also known as Shiyun. She's responsible for Jeanne's initial reveal art, as well as some other pieces that you guys may have seen in the art gallery. We're thrilled to have her back with us once more.

Lastly, but certainly not least, is the music department. We've had overwhelmingly positive feedback with regards to the soundtrack sampler from Easter. All of us, especially the composers, are ecstatic that you guys have enjoyed that so much. While we don't have any other music samples scheduled to be posted, keep checking back - we'll have some more eventually.

That about concludes what we have to share at the moment. We're currently planning another extended series of posts, though I don't have an estimate of when you can expect to see the first of them. Please look forward to it, though!

And finally, as always, please enjoy Chisana's latest promo piece, and come discuss this post on the forums.