Much as our spiritual predecessor was dubbed a 'cripple porn game', from the outset our game has received the pejorative of a 'retard porn game' (to paraphrase and collate the general reaction, which generally ranges from hesitant to hostile). I do think that maintaining a healthy level of skepticism is good to keep around you, and I honestly don't expect anyone to have good feelings about the project till we have at least a sample of work out in the public eye. Still, I would say that our acquisition of our particular label is, to an extent, a fault of our initial titling and billing of the project. As many of you will probably remember, our working title was Mentaru Shoujo (a title we had never intended to keep), and it was described as a game based around the concept of mental disabilities. There are obviously a lot of problems here, and I'll try to go a bit in depth with them. Obviously, the original title, apart from being a bit derivative, does evok...