Hello everyone! It's been a while since our last update - sorry about that! We've all been busy with real-life responsibilities (work, getting married, etc.) so progress has been slow these past few months. However, we have some really cool things to show off! Fran, we felt, needed more expressions to expand their emotional repertoire, so they have received a significant upgrade to the number of available poses, expressions, and outfits they have. We're pleased with the result! They are now fully sass-equipped. As mentioned in previous posts, we've also been working on adding more CGs for our characters to more fully flesh out their Act One content. I don't want to spoil too much, so here's a portion of two of the many new CGs we have in progress! Telltale signs of healthy tree growth include dense foliage and thick, sturdy branches. "Perhaps this mannequin with a wig will... no, no, it just doesn't work." Our UI is in the process of being upgraded...