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Showing posts from May, 2019

The Importance of Maintaining your Mental Health

Hello everyone, hope you’re all doing well. As some of you might know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. One topic we wanted to bring up is why mental health is just as important as physical health, and the barriers we have in society that prevent people from receiving the treatment they need. As we talked about in a previous article, the public’s perception of mental health is continuing to improve and head in the right direction. However, one thing that needs to be addressed is recognizing when we need help. In today’s society, whenever most people experience a decline in mental health, they initially dismiss this, thinking “Oh it’s just a rough patch, I’ll be fine. Most people have it worse than I do.” As time goes on, however, their mental health may continue to decline. Even at this stage, many are reluctant to seek any help until they hit rock bottom. This is most likely due to the fact that there still is a negative perception of mental health, especially when it comes...

Missing Stars May Update

Hello everyone, hope you're doing well. We're coming at you with our May update for Missing Stars so that we can keep you informed of our progress with Act 1. The biggest thing we focused on this month was art asset organization. Now all of our artists, writers, editors, and programmers are all on the same page as to what assets we need and don't need for Act 1. It also makes sure we avoid any duplicates of assets. Now as some of you are aware, April has been the dreaded exam season. Since a few of our team members are in school, their focus was on school this month. Now that its ending, we should have more of our writers and editors available for the upcoming sprint and continue to make progress on the remaining scenes for Act 1. Here is a sneak peek of some concept art for Natalya and Sofiya in their Gala dresses. That's all we have for you this month! Once again, thank you all for your continued patience and support. We're working as hard...