Since its very inception, it has been the sworn mission of Somnova Studios to give VN readers from all over the world gaming experiences that are wholesome, genuine, and heartfelt... even if said experiences take nearly a decade in the making. As such, we are always eager to tap into new platforms and outlets that will allow us to tell you our stories -- to make you laugh, to make you cry, to make you see the world in a fresh new way. And what better way to do that than the colorful world of M O B I L E G A M I N G? Literally anything else? Mobile frigging gaming? Yes, you heard that right! From the studio that brought the world Arcadia and Surkea and will (probably) (perhaps) (maybe) (perchance) (peradventure) give you Missing Stars in the future, comes a new mobile game that will wring your heart and tear ducts dry as well as your wallet! Pictured: 5* SSR Isolda Alter (Drop Rate Up right now!). We would have given Jeanne an alter form, but ...