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Showing posts from July, 2016

The Gang's All Here

Look at this, another update! Holy crap we’re still alive! It’s actually quite interesting to look at the progression of blog posts in the past years. 35, 22, 20, 6, and now 3 with this post just sent out. From the looks of things we’ve certainly declined: not only with just the number of written posts but simply with the general forum activity as well. However as I’m looking at the loads of work this team is putting in there certainly seems to be a strong seen difference between telling everyone what you’re doing and actually doing it. So what is new with us and what are we currently doing? Well for one thing me. I’m a new writer that is. Myself and a few other individuals have been brought on to spark some new and fresh talent within the project and so far it seems to be working. Frankly it’s been so refreshing to see the energy and dedication everyone is now putting into a VN 4+ years in the making. Here’s the list of everyone new assisting with polishing up a d...